It's Halloween!
Such a shame we don't celebrate Halloween properly in Oz. I mean you can buy some Halloween stuff, it's just not quite as big over here as it is in the US. I like the dressing up part. And the free chocolate and lollies part!
I bought Mum a jack o lantern candle from Bath & Bodyworks when I was in Vegas which we are going to light tonight. That's our Halloween celebration. Whoop de do!
I went out with my friend and her son for a while this morning. We had a wander round the shops and had lunch. I finally found a copy of the November Creating Keepsakes magazine while we were out. Haven't looked through it yet, I'll do that later on this arvo.
Today's Two Peas Blog Challenge: Since it's Halloween and all.. let's talk horror movies.. do you like watching them? If you do, what are some of your faves? and why???
I HATE horror movies! I haven't seen too many because I'm a giant chicken. I avoid them at all costs. The only real horror movie I've seen is 'IT' based on the novel by Stephen King. That scary clown *shudder*. I saw it at a friend's birthday sleepover when I was about 16 or so. Luckily it didn't put me off clowns. Just horror movies.
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