Some Fruitcake! Fruitcake as in the Basic Grey paper, not the food, although I do really like a bit of fruitcake, especially the type that has cherries and icing on top!
I also got 2 sheets of Blitzen because mum's doing Christmas cards and I thought that she might like to use some of that too. Aren't the snowmen cute! I wish they'd come out with some penguin paper too.
I picked this up at a not so local scrapbook store, while I was getting a gift card for my cousin's birthday. I finally filled up my card thing that they stamp each time you spend $15. Next time I go there I have $25 off my next purchase! Yay!
Now for my even more exiting news....I got a job! Finally! After over 2 months of being unemployed I finally got one. Naturally it was the 6th and final interview that I had this week. Typical. I had an interview on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, two on Thursday and two today. It's been a busy and exhausting week.
Anyway, I'm going to be a PA for a bunch of commercial brokers which sounds interesting and has quite a few fabulous perks, including bonuses amd I only have to work half a day every 2nd Friday! And I get a small payrise. I start Monday, so tomorrow I'm going shopping for new work clothes and today I bought some celebratory weight watchers cherry mudslide ice cream to celebrate :)
Today's Two Peas challenge: Talk about your fave color and why it's your favorite!
My favourite colour is purple! It has been my favourite for many years and I have no idea why. My bedroom walls are white and purple, I gravitate to towards purple clothing when I'm shopping, but at the moment don't really have any purple clothes. I do have purple Crocs though. I also have purple bed linen, purple blinds, purple book cases and a purple, green and gold couch. With purple cushions! :)
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