Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Next Friday is MY BIRTHDAY! I'll be 27 :( So far the plan is to go see Wild Hogs at the movies on Friday night with Mum and maybe I'll pop in next door to Cold Rock for some yummy ice cream.

Then on Sunday afternoon I'm attending a class at the Brisbane Papercraft Expo, which I've never been to before. The class I'm attending goes for 3 hours and is run by Zina Wright and is called Get Creative.
And in other non-birthday but very exciting news.....drumroll please.....I have lost 2.3 kilos this week!!! Since last Saturday. I am totally wrapt. I haven't lost this much weight in a week since my old Atkins days. I decided to stop doing Weight Watchers last Saturday and count calories and fat instead. This obviously works much better for me!!
Despite the fact that I have been trying to lose weight since the start of December, this brings me to a total loss of 2.8 kilos!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Bring on the cyclone!

I also ordered some stuff from Jenni Bowlin's site. I got the March Add on kit, the March Substitution kit, 6 chipboard scrolls and the vintage red journalling cards.
The add on kit:
The substitution kit:
The chipboard scrolls - I love these!:
And the journalling cards:
Today after getting my hair cut (just a trim) I stopped off at Photo Continental and bought 1 of almost every sheet of Basic Grey's new line Phoebe. I got 2 of the plain colours because they always come in handy. And so ends this weeks shopping binge. I hope!
I plan on getting some scrapping done this afternoon. I've downloaded a bunch of new tunes for inspiration so hopefully I'll have a few pages done by tomorrow. One would do really :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Ode to homewares
Sunday, February 18, 2007
I can hear music...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Poppy Ink!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
A Card!
And I have actually been productive this morning too. I made my cousin's 30th Birthday card.
I've been wanting to alter my style and make it more colourful and fun so I figured this card would be a good way to start.
I always make fun of this particular cousin by sending her cards pointing out how old she is (she's 3 years older than me) The quote on the card reads "Wisdom does not necessarily come with age"and on the inside it say "Sometimes age just shows up all by itself"
Products used:
Poppy Ink Owl stamp
Making Memories tiny alphas
KI patterned paper
Heidi Swapp block alphas (for the 30)
Puffy red hearts from a Poppy Ink kit
I hope she likes it!
Sunday, February 04, 2007

I know which website I'm going to check out when buying my mum's mother's day pressie this year!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Vintage fun
Today Mum and I went into the Valley to do some vintage/retro fabric shopping. The Valley is hard to describe. It's just outside the city centre, it's where China town is, is very hip and has lots of clubs but is also full of people you don't want meet late at night in a dark alley if you get my meaning. Anyway they have markets in the mall every Saturday and there's a lot of 2nd hand clothing/vintage shops. We managed to score some seriously scary stuff! It was so much fun. I actually bought 2 headscarfs at the markets which are quite nice. The blue one is more of an aqua colour:
In this picture we have a lovely bright green polyester shirt, a funky brown, orange and cream patterned shirt and a dark blue velvet skirt! How 70's is that patterned shirt?!
In this picture we have a red/pink striped top, another polyester dotted blue shirt, a flowery skirt and a very cool wavey blue shirt that makes your eyes go funny when you look at it!
In this photo we have a mini skirt that is black and brightly patterened with dangly bead things. I think it'll make a lovely cushion!. The pink flowery dress is actually really pretty in real life and the funky wavey red and black top would make a lovely head scarf.
And finally below there is a hideously scary shirt that's made up of quite a few different patterns. A almost as hideous red dress, a very lovely blue silk tie and a very funky red and white belt!
We also got a whole bunch of records, including some of the smaller ones! Some of them I'm actually keeping to listen to and the others are going to be altered.
We're probably going to be making hand bags, cushions, lamp shades and the like out of all our finds!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
And really, what can you write about a bloke standing in the middle of times square in his tighty-whities?
The black alphas are Heidi Swapp, the Cowboy is Basic Grey, painted and NYC is also Basic Grey covered with BG Blush paper. The background is BG Blush too. The star is Heidi Swapp covered with silver glitter. Times Square is BG letter stickers and the brackets are BG chipboard painted.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Finding Dory

Sunday, January 28, 2007
I think I've tried to post this about 5 times already today! Silly Blogger!
I've started trying to run, using a program called Couch to 5k. It is a program that takes you from being a walker only through a 3 sessions per week, 9 week program (repeat weeks as necessary) that gradually increases your intervals of running until you are running continuously for 5km. Day 1, week 1 is 8mins running, 12 mins walking. I managed 3 mins running, 4.5 mins walking plus the 10minute warm up/cool down. Plus I staggered up a hill to get home.
It's tough, but I'm determined to keep at it because I felt so good after all the aches and pains went away. There's podcasts that you can download and it tells you when to run and when to walk.
I've decided to get myself an armband for my ipod if I'm still attempting this running thing by Mid-February, as my Valentine's Day present. Something similar to the one below. I keep worrying my ipod will fall out of my pocket.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Happy Australia Day!
Despite the fact that it's a public holiday a lot of the shops were open so I went to Target and Kmart and Best & Less to pick up some homewares type stuff. I did pretty well. I got a beach towel (in case I move to the Gold Coast!), salt n pepper shakers, a nice serving bowl, a frying pan, tea towels, baking trays, a cake tin and lots of other things.
I made a couple of cards this afternoon as we actually celebrated 3 birthdays at the family BBQ. I totally left it to the last minute so they were a bit rushed.
This one was for my cousin's girlfriend who ended up not being able to make it to the party.
The papers are SEI and came from a Jenni Bowlin kit, as did the scalloped oval thing.
This is the inside of the card, using an SEI rubon that came with the Jenni Bowlin kit.
And this was for my uncle. I used Basic Grey paper, MM tiny alphas and some ribbon.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Raining, walking, scrapping..
I am also glad the rain held off til after I got back from my walk. I had a go at doing some intensity training. I heard about this new study that's been done where they found people burned 3 times as much fat by cycling for 8 seconds really fast then cycling normally for 12 seconds then going back to the fast 8 seconds etc. for 20 minutes. My fitness level is a bit crap (er...understatement of the year??) at the moment so I did some walk/jogging for about 10mins. It almost bloody killed me! I then had to stagger up a hill to get home. Hopefully I can increase my walk/jogs as time goes by.
The sneekie peekie of the Feb Poppy Ink kit is up.
Finally some bright happy colours! The kit is named 'Funky Town'!! I love the stripes and the birdies! And the ric rac!!!
Other fabulous news... Friday is Australia Day, meaning I don't have to go to work!! Tomorrow is the end of the working week!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Flamingo!
Go the Roar!

It was a great game though and there were over 32,000 people there! We went to a game this time last year and there were only 13,000 so there's been a massive increase, probably thanks to the World Cup last year. I actually ran into a friend who I haven't seen in ages on our way out. 32,000 people and I run into someone I know. It's such a typical Brisbane thing. There may be 1million people here but it's still very common to run into people you know wherever you go!
I've had some biggish news work wise. There's a very strong possbility that the office is going to move from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. That's about an hours drive from here. I found out on Friday. Hardly anyone at work knows, it's very hush hush. So I'm posting it on the internet ;) I'll find out in about a month whether or not it will actually happen. Our office lease expires at the end of March so they will either move the office then or stay put for another year.
I was suprised by the news, but not overly upset. If the relocation happens, I will move down to the Gold Coast. It's very nice down there - there's lovely beaches. I'm kinda looking forward to it.
I've been working on a scrapbook layout for about a week now. It's almost done, I'm just waiting for some chipboard to dry. It would have been finished earlier but I was having glitter issues. Hopefully I'll get it finished and scanned later today!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Vegas layout
I finally finished a 2 page layout last night that I've been working on for about a week.
This is page 1:
The title was done using Basic Grey mini mono chipboard, which I painted red and then covered with modge podge and poured glitter all over it (and all over me, the table, the floor etc..). Then once that dried I put more modge podge on top to seal it. It turned out really well.
Page 2:
The heart is fabric and puffy, it came in the Janurary Poppy Ink Kit. I can't remember who makes the 'fabulous' rhinestone word. Isn't it fabulous!? :)
Funny story about getting these layouts digitally stitched together....for ages I've been trying to find a freeware stitching program, because I'm a cheapskate and won't pay for something I hardly ever use. Anyway over the past couple of years I've downloaded various 30 day trials of software. So today after searching the net and reading that most people had some sort of panoramic stitching software that came with their scanner or digi cam, I had a search on my software at some of the programs I never use and lo and behold there's one called Photo Stitch by Canon. Only took me about 4 years to figure out it was there! And it's such an easy program to use too!
I've uploaded the Vegas layouts onto Two Peas and I must say I love the increased size gallery piccies. They used to be large then got reduced so you could hardly see anything, now I can actually sit back in my chair and look comfortably. I don't know what's happened but in the past day or so there's been some bloody great layouts. They're usually pretty good, but it seems the Peas have upped the ante a bit recently. Or it could be that I can now actually see the layouts and therefore realise how good they actually are!
Friday's Two Peas blog challenge:
Challenge: What are you listening to lately? What are some of your fave songs/artists? What's on your playlist right now? Blog about your fave music.. right now.
Grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfy, this could take awhile.
Music I am listening to lately: a lot of Robbie Williams, various Top 40 songs byFergie, Pussycat Dolls, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Scissor Sisters and a few older top 40 hits by Britney, Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin. Oh and some Wham/George Michael stuff!That's just the stuff in my Pop playlist.
My ipod has almost 6gig worth of music on it (only another 24gig to go!) and I listen to a very wide range of music and it's sorted into specific categories. Sometimes I prefer to listen to just one artist - Robbie, Elvis, the Beatles, Cliff Richard and Michael Jackson have their own playlists.
I then have a country music playlist with artists like Toby Keith, Terri Clark, Kenny Chesney, Gretchen Wilson, Shania Twain, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Alan Jackson, Dixie Chicks, Clay Walker and may more.
I also have quite a few movie and musical soundtracks which have their own playlist. I also have a Broadway playlist of select songs from various Broadway shows, a soundtrack playlist for songs from movies.
I have an Oldies playlist with songs by the BeeGees (love them!), Abba, Blondie, the Eagles, Don MacLean (American Pie!!), John Denver, Neil Diamond, Tom Jones, Roy Orbison etc.
My Rock playlist has artists like Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Kiss, the Doors, Guns n Roses, Sex Pistols and the Who.
I have an Xmas playlist and also a Workin for the Man playlist which has a lot of songs about how work sucks! Great for when you really dont feel like going to work.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
2 Peas Blog Challenge
Challenge: Valentines day is right around the corner. What are you gonna be doing for your valentine this year??? blog about it.. or what do you hope to get from your valentine??? anything? Share your valentine wishes.
As per my post below, I'm single and therefore expect to get BUGGER ALL on Valentine's Day. I usually hate Valentine's Day, although the older I get, the less I care about it.
Almost every year I buy myself something for Valentine's Day. I started this in 1998. I felt sad and pathetic about not having anyone to celebrate V-Day with so I bought myself 2 CDs. Ever since then I've tried to buy myself a present, if finances allowed it. Last year was by far and away the best Valentine's Day I ever had. A couple of days before I booked an open jaw flight to America (Into Vegas, out from New York for September). I paid for my plane ticket on February 14 and I was so excited. I have no idea how I'm ever going to top that!
Other things I have bought myself for Valentine's Day include CDs, a Fish and Chip dinner and books.
You may correctly assume from the above ramblings that I have NEVER received anything on Valentine's Day. Not even a card.
If anyone has any ideas on what I should buy myself for Valentine's Day this year, let me know! :)
So tired!
I had a good and unexpected mail day today....my Poppy Ink kit arrived, along with another order I placed from Blue Bazaar. The kits only come out today so I wasn't really expecting it til Friday. I ain't complaining!

It's Valentine's/Love themed this month. There's quite a few Basic Grey Blush papers, some other funky papers I've never seen before, lovely cardstock (the bright pink is gorgeous!), a 7 gypsies word stamp, funky ribbon and bits of fabric and loads more. I don't really have a use for Valentine's day stuff, being single and all, so I guess I'll just have to be creative and find another use for all the lovey-dovey romance stuff!
I really enjoyed Night at the Museum on Sunday night. It was funny and had a twist or two in it that I wasn't expecting! Makes me wish I had gone to the Museum of Natural History when I was in New York.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happy Birthday Elvis!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I can hear music..

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Oops I did it again!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
I feel sorry for all the poor souls in Scotland. Edinburgh's famous Hogmanay was cancelled due to gale force winds, as were the celebrations in Glasgow. I was a part of the 2004-2005 Hogmanay celebrations - me, an English friend and 100,000 strangers. It's a lot of fun, though very squishy.
I spent my 2006-2007 New Years Eve at home, watching a few movies - Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire and I watched most of Chicago, did a spot of scrapbooking and ended up in bed at 11:30. I was awake til 12:30 so I did see the New Year in, even though I really just wanted to be asleep. The neighbours dog had other ideas apparently.
I saw Flushed Away at the movies this afternoon! It was really funny. One of my favourite parts was when the bad guys were chasing Roddy and Rita and one of them says 'Danger is my middle name' and the other bad guy says 'I thought your middle name was Leslie'. I think I was the only person in the cinema who laughed at that joke. :)