I would like to apologise to the aquatic community. I just ate Dory for dinner. That's right, I had Dory and chips for dinner (bloody yummy it was too!)
I did my attempted run thing again today. Still only managed 3 mins worth of running but I think I ran faster or better or something because my calves were screeeaming in pain. They were even more sore than my tendonitis which is saying something!
CHA is happening in Anaheim at the moment (disneyland and scrapping all in the one suburb!) Usually a lot of stuff appears that I absolutely love. This time there's only a few things but that's a very good thing as I'm trying to cut down on my scrapping spending.
The new stuff that I totally fell head over heels for is the new line by Elsie Flannigan called 'Love Elsie'. She's got 3 lines but the one I love the mostest is the one called 'Toby' It's a travel themed line and it's sooo freakin cool! A lot of companies assume that you want to do all your travel stuff using Parisian type colours and designs. Which would be fine if all you did was travel to Paris! Elsie's new travel line is bright and funky with lots of green and blue. Check out her blog!
I also love Basic Grey's new Precision File Set. Fabulous for when you're doing stuff with chipboard! Definitely getting one of those! I'm not drooling over any of their new paper lines, though I like most of the plain colours. Some of the patterns are ok but most are too flowery for me. More elephants and rockets I say!
Bazzil has some new bling cardstock which looks good, as well as some new shaped cardstock! I also liked Heidi Swapp's bling crowns! Very cute.
Today's Two Peas Challenge:
Inspiration. What kinds of things inspire you lately? Blog about it.
Well I'm totally inspired by that new Love Elsie line at the moment! Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Generally speaking though the thing that inspires me most is probably....colour. I sometimes go through phases of like one colour and trying to use it, wear it and just generally look at it. These days I'm going through a bit of a red and turquoise/aquamarine phase. I love retro colours too...it's amazing how colours that used to look so bad together can be altered and made funky!
Also my photos inspire me. I'm not saying they're all fabulous, but there are some that are really great. And when I sit down to scrap, I usually like to make sure I showcase the photos rather than make it all about the embellishments. Although sometimes it's just good to have fun and play and chuck whatever on a page! :)
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