Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So tired!

Work is exhausting! Actually the work part isn't so bad, I'm busy but not frantic, it's the getting up at 5:20am in the morning part that's doing me in. Thank god I only do the 7:30 shift every 2nd week. I get to leave work at 1pm every second Friday and thank goodness it's this Friday! Only a day and a half til the weekend!

I had a good and unexpected mail day Poppy Ink kit arrived, along with another order I placed from Blue Bazaar. The kits only come out today so I wasn't really expecting it til Friday. I ain't complaining!

It's Valentine's/Love themed this month. There's quite a few Basic Grey Blush papers, some other funky papers I've never seen before, lovely cardstock (the bright pink is gorgeous!), a 7 gypsies word stamp, funky ribbon and bits of fabric and loads more. I don't really have a use for Valentine's day stuff, being single and all, so I guess I'll just have to be creative and find another use for all the lovey-dovey romance stuff!

I really enjoyed Night at the Museum on Sunday night. It was funny and had a twist or two in it that I wasn't expecting! Makes me wish I had gone to the Museum of Natural History when I was in New York.

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