Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Raining, walking, scrapping..

It's raining!!! This is a very good thing, as pretty much all of Oz is currently in the throes of a very severe drought. It's been really muggy all day and so hopefully the rain will cool things down a bit. I hope some rain ends up in the dams. Probably won't though!

I am also glad the rain held off til after I got back from my walk. I had a go at doing some intensity training. I heard about this new study that's been done where they found people burned 3 times as much fat by cycling for 8 seconds really fast then cycling normally for 12 seconds then going back to the fast 8 seconds etc. for 20 minutes. My fitness level is a bit crap (er...understatement of the year??) at the moment so I did some walk/jogging for about 10mins. It almost bloody killed me! I then had to stagger up a hill to get home. Hopefully I can increase my walk/jogs as time goes by.

The sneekie peekie of the Feb Poppy Ink kit is up.

Finally some bright happy colours! The kit is named 'Funky Town'!! I love the stripes and the birdies! And the ric rac!!!

Other fabulous news... Friday is Australia Day, meaning I don't have to go to work!! Tomorrow is the end of the working week!

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