I managed to survive my first week back at work. It was tiring but I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon.
I finally finished a 2 page layout last night that I've been working on for about a week.
This is page 1:
The title was done using Basic Grey mini mono chipboard, which I painted red and then covered with modge podge and poured glitter all over it (and all over me, the table, the floor etc..). Then once that dried I put more modge podge on top to seal it. It turned out really well.
Page 2:

The heart is fabric and puffy, it came in the Janurary Poppy Ink Kit. I can't remember who makes the 'fabulous' rhinestone word. Isn't it fabulous!? :)
Funny story about getting these layouts digitally stitched together....for ages I've been trying to find a freeware stitching program, because I'm a cheapskate and won't pay for something I hardly ever use. Anyway over the past couple of years I've downloaded various 30 day trials of software. So today after searching the net and reading that most people had some sort of panoramic stitching software that came with their scanner or digi cam, I had a search on my software at some of the programs I never use and lo and behold there's one called Photo Stitch by Canon. Only took me about 4 years to figure out it was there! And it's such an easy program to use too!
I've uploaded the Vegas layouts onto Two Peas and I must say I love the increased size gallery piccies. They used to be large then got reduced so you could hardly see anything, now I can actually sit back in my chair and look comfortably. I don't know what's happened but in the past day or so there's been some bloody great layouts. They're usually pretty good, but it seems the Peas have upped the ante a bit recently. Or it could be that I can now actually see the layouts and therefore realise how good they actually are!
Friday's Two Peas blog challenge:
Challenge: What are you listening to lately? What are some of your fave songs/artists? What's on your playlist right now? Blog about your fave music.. right now.
Grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfy, this could take awhile.
Music I am listening to lately: a lot of Robbie Williams, various Top 40 songs byFergie, Pussycat Dolls, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Scissor Sisters and a few older top 40 hits by Britney, Jennifer Lopez, Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin. Oh and some Wham/George Michael stuff!That's just the stuff in my Pop playlist.
My ipod has almost 6gig worth of music on it (only another 24gig to go!) and I listen to a very wide range of music and it's sorted into specific categories. Sometimes I prefer to listen to just one artist - Robbie, Elvis, the Beatles, Cliff Richard and Michael Jackson have their own playlists.
I then have a country music playlist with artists like Toby Keith, Terri Clark, Kenny Chesney, Gretchen Wilson, Shania Twain, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Alan Jackson, Dixie Chicks, Clay Walker and may more.
I also have quite a few movie and musical soundtracks which have their own playlist. I also have a Broadway playlist of select songs from various Broadway shows, a soundtrack playlist for songs from movies.
I have an Oldies playlist with songs by the BeeGees (love them!), Abba, Blondie, the Eagles, Don MacLean (American Pie!!), John Denver, Neil Diamond, Tom Jones, Roy Orbison etc.
My Rock playlist has artists like Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Kiss, the Doors, Guns n Roses, Sex Pistols and the Who.
I have an Xmas playlist and also a Workin for the Man playlist which has a lot of songs about how work sucks! Great for when you really dont feel like going to work.